Sunday, July 12, 2009

Words of The Boom

'Es la parte que no quieren y cómo no me va a desgarrar por dentro sentir que me pegan o la nieve me entra por los zapatos cuando Luis María baila conmigo y su mano en la cintura me va subiendo como un calor a mediodía, un sabor a naranjas fuertes o tacuaras chicoteadas, y a ella le pegan y es imposible resistir y entonces tengo que decirle a Luis María que no estoy bien, que es la humedad, humedad entre esa nieve que no siento, que no siento y me está entrando por los zapatos.'

Julio Cortázar -- 'Lejana'

In translation:

'That's the part they don't like and as it doesn't suit me to be rent to pieces inside and to feel they are beating me or that the snow is coming in through my shoes when Luis María is dancing with me and his hand on my waist makes the strong odor of oranges, or of cut hay, rise in me like heat at midday, and they are beating her and it's impossible to fight back, and I have to tell Luis María that I don't feel well, it's the humidity, humidity in all that snow which I do not feel, which I do not feel and it's coming in through my shoes.'

Julio Cortázar -- 'The Distances'

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